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Diamond Dope?
  Diamond Dope is a site dedicated to enhance the enjoyment of the Strat-O-Matic online game; a simulation baseball game that can, for those who allow it, become an all-consuming passion.

The card data is entered manually. If you notice any anomalies, please email.

Most of the terms involved are explained below.
card reader
  Available primarily for the All-Time Greats game, the card stats displayed are based on the following dice-roll probabilities:

2 = 1 in 36 (2.78%)
3 = 2 in 36 (5.56%)
4 = 3 in 36 (8.33%)
5 = 4 in 36 (11.11%)
6 = 5 in 36 (13.89%)
7 = 6 in 36 (16.67%)
8 = 5 in 36 (13.89%)
9 = 4 in 36 (11.11%)
10 = 3 in 36 (8.33%)
11 = 2 in 36 (5.56%)
12 = 1 in 36 (2.78%)

The reason that it's X in 36 is because there are 36 possible combinations rolling 2 six-sided die. Only 1 will yield an outcome of 2 (snake eyes), 2 combinations will yield 3 (2-1 and 1-2), etc. Since there are 3 columns, 3 x 36 = 108 chances or "plate appearances" on each side.

Let's say there's a homerun on a 7 (7 - HOMERUN). That's 6 homerun "chances" or, in effect, 6 homeruns.

Let's say there's a walk on a 3 (3 - WALK). That's 2 "chances" so there are 2 walks, etc.

Let's say there's a split or park effect (10 - HR 1-8). You take the percentage of the split, in this case 8 out of 20 (40%) and multiply that by the chances (3 * 40% = 1.2 homeruns).

Add everything up and you get the stats. (not all of the following numbers are displayed)
AB = 108 - BB - HBP
OBP = (H + BB + HBP)/108
RC/27 = (RC/OUTS)*27
BR (BATTING RUNS) = .47 * SINGLES + .78 * DOUBLES + 1.09 * TRIPLES + 1.4 * HOME RUNS + .33 * (WALKS + HBP) - .25 * OUTS
When applied to a Strat-o-matic card, the above formula yields a continuum from -27 to 151.2. In real life, there cannot be negative Batting Runs. However, the metric is accurate relative to itself and, in my opinion, is a better measure of card values than Runs Created.
NERP (New Estimated Runs Produced) = .318 * TB + .333 * (BB + HBP - (gbA * .1875)) + .25 * H - .085 * AB
This would be a good opportunity to check out Offense vs. Defense in Strat-O-Matic by Dean Carrano on calculating defensive metrics utilizing NERP.
  As the name implies, do it yourself. As of February, 2016 the DIY form has been re-programmed to work without submitting. The values will calculate automatically. In fact, you can download a version that you can run on a browser even if you are not connected to the Interwebs: DIY Offline (Clicking the link will automatically download the stripped-down html version).
  The lineup evaluator does not tell you how to set a lineup, but it does allow you to compare the offensive stats of an entire team or just a couple of hitters.
  The player pool displays a table that contains the raw values for every hitter and pitcher for a given park. This is a handy feature if you know how to work with Excel.
pythagorean record
  As of February, 2016 the pythagorean record form has been re-programmed to work in the browser. In fact, a version comes with DIY Offline (Clicking the link will automatically download the stripped-down html version). You can pythagorate even if you are not connected to the Interwebs!

Pythagorean winning percentage is an estimate of a team's winning percentage given their runs scored and runs allowed. Developed by Bill James, it can tell you when teams were a bit lucky or unlucky. It is calculated by

(Runs Scored)^1.83/(Runs Scored)^1.83 + (Runs Allowed)^1.83
The traditional formula uses an exponent of two, but 1.83 has proven to be a little more accurate. (This is the calculation baseball-reference.com uses.)
pythagorean record

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